So, along with all the fun goings on yesterday, I forgot to mention a few, not so successful things. lol Because, contrary to what many people think of me....I am not perfect. My life is not perfect. I have my fair share of trials and tribulations every day.
For instance. Did you know that if you wait till 10 days before Christmas to put up your exterior Christmas lights and find that 1/2 of the ones you own no longer work, you will not be able to find them in stores? Seems you can purchase Christmas lights in August now, but not in December. This has been a hard realization this year for Phil. He doesn't believe that all holiday shopping needs to be completed by Thanksgiving weekend or everyone will be sold out. Sorry honey.
Also, did you know that you can't make toffee when it is humid? Yep, the butter will come out of suspension and get really yucky looking. Did you know that if that happens, you can add hot water, bring the toffee back to temperature and it will mix back in? Yep, but it will just separate again if it is humid. lol
Oh, and last but not least....have I told you how much I hate ants? Yep, I do...and that if you find one trail leading from your neighbors yard into your house and you spray it, you shouldn't stop there? Cause there may be another trail from somewhere else?
All in all...a very mixed day. lol
To leave on a lighter is a card I made with my cricut. I love my cricut. hee hee
