Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Simple, Quick, Fun....Home Decor

I have a quick fun post up at the Your Memories Here blog today that I thought I would share with you.

With spring on its way, I have been spending quite a bit of time sprucing up the house.  I have many plans in the works for my home, but not every room can be revamped each year.  That is why I love quick and simple home decor projects.  With just one or two small pieces, I can change the look of a room.

Recently, on a trip to Michaels, I came across a simple glass bottle with a beautiful bird stopper. With the help of a few beautiful laces, some seam binding dyed with Glimmer Mist, a few pearls, and a single miniature rose.....  I was able to create something special.

I knew immediately that with these few additions it would be perfect filled with delicious bubble bath in my guest bathroom.

So, what have you made lately?




  1. This is such a beautiful project! I love the little birdie stopper and the way you dressed it up rocks!!!

  2. Nancy this is gorgeous!!!!!
    I love the bird stopper just beautiful....


I love to hear from you, thanks for sharing.