Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Actually, by now for most of you, I am sure Halloween is over. As I type this I hear the children in the other room sorting and trading their candy and the guys are in the garage disassembling the haunted house. Another Halloween just flew by.

Only 3 boys this year to work the haunted house. They say it was pretty boring. I left Phil here to man the candy bucket and just about all of it is gone (I bought 250 pieces),so something had to be going on.

The girls and I walked with another friend around the neighborhood. Probably close to 2 miles (I remember this from the training I did for the three day). They are exhausted, but had quite the haul. We had to walk over to our friend from the garden, Wes' house. Where they trick or peppered. Yep, instead of the candy they were handing out the girls got a huge bell pepper, which they preceded to an apple. Hilarious. Earlier Ainsley had told me that chocolate and cucumbers are the same, except cucumbers are good for you. Go figure. At least they like vegetables.

Halloween seemed weird. Not many people on the street, lots of people not home, and quite a few with signs on their doors saying that they don't celebrate. Don't remember seeing that one before. But, I guess it's all good.

Tired now, luckily clocks go back tonight.


N you thought I was gonna leave without some photos. hee hee


  1. Love the pumpkins!! Sounds like you all had fun :)

  2. The bottom pumpkin is my favorite! I've never seen houses with signs on their doors saying they don't celebrate. Weird. Your pumpkin photos came out so much better than mine. I've got camera envy! It sounds like you guys had a great time, and I see you got another follower too. LOL


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